The Garden


Where does our food come from?
Learn from community gardening experts what grows best
in the local environment
Grow herbs & vegetables in The Fitness Ranch garden
Taste the product of your efforts and share with family & friends
Get involved in supporting local community gardens
Acquire the skills and patronage to start your own community garden

Gardening Benefits

  • Taking care of plants cultivates the development of responsibility, patience, long term goal setting, and self-confidence.
  • Gardening provides essential healthy doses of fresh air, sunshine, and movement.
  • Gardens improve mental health by reducing stress and depression, promoting nurturing and productivity.
  • Green spaces have been shown to improve the attention spans of children with and without ADHD:
    1. Soga M, Gaston KJ, Yamaura Y. Gardening is beneficial for health: A meta-analysis. Prev Med Rep. 2016;5:92‐99. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.11.007
    2. Rucklidge JJ. Exposure to green spaces as a modifiable risk factor in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Lancet Planet Health. 2019;3(5):e200‐e201. doi:10.1016/S2542-5196(19)30074-9
  • Fosters teamwork, non-verbal bonding, and community spirit.
  • Growing food encourages curiosity and healthier eating habits.
1837 Highway 92 North, Fayetteville, GA 30214 USA
Phone: 404.623.2177
Copyright © 2023 The Fitness Ranch, Inc. Website Design + Development by Jason Hunter Design
The Fitness Ranch is a qualified 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.